habla.news is the best, Maybe it's a little biased because I'm involved in the project, but it's a very good platform with many things that are coming soon ™️ It also has a page of suggested relays compatible with nip33 https://habla.news/relays At the moment verbiricha is implementing ndk and indexddb which is resulting in a blazing fast experience (a prototype here https://habla-new.vercel.app/) Also working on onboarding experience for prenostriches, and different features that will make a difference
Replied before reading your comment, thanks gzuus <3
Thanks, it seems both blogstack and habla have their strenghts, I for one love dark mode. The suggested list of relays is great.
BTW what do you recommend for image uploads?
Perhaps you can use https://www.nostr.build/ or something like imgur?
imgur is frequently down (or blocked on VPNs). nostr.build looks fantastic, exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
Imgur seems that doesn't support hot links in some cases, there are few good ones, nostr.build, void.cat and nostrcheck