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The lawsuit claims that flights logs pertaining to Jeffery Epstein's private jet have been edited to no longer reflect Craig Wright's visits to Epstein's island. Wright claims this is just another attempt to discredit him.
hahaha this is just hilarious!
wait... what? he wants to NOT be deleted from the passenger list.. to prove that he's... an important guy? how do you even survive a day with an inferiority complex as big as the freaking moon?
it's the bitcoin onion!!! okay then, now I know THAT exists!
Its satire, but CW is such a turd sandwhich its believable.
About us: "The Bitcoin Bugle is an independent publication launched in January 2023 by Richard Greaser to create fake news relating to Bitcoin. Our goal is to create news so fake that you will think it's real. Our goal is to be entirely community funded with no support from sponsorships so we don't end up looking like Pomp."
Imagine having an ego that is so dependent on being associated with a list of wealthy psychopaths that one who take legal actions to put their name among them on flight logs. What a satirical world we live in!