Bottom line is, no government can print money to get out of a recession or downturn. The deeper reason for this is that money is really a facilitator of exchange between people, a middleman in a trade. If goods could trade with goods directly, without a middleman, we would not need money. If you print more money you simply affect the terms of trade between money and goods, nothing else. What used to cost $1 now costs $10, that's all, nothing fundamental or real has changed. It is as if someone overnight added a zero to every dollar bill; that per se, changes nothing. Just as giving every student 10 extra points on a test changes nothing fundamentally.
Also why the maximum number of 21M in Bitcoin is important because it never changes, not because of it's actual value.
explained with a corn example, perfect for an Iowa State professor.
Maybe we should just print more corn instead. Inflation solved.
Well that would just make things cost more and lower the value of the dollar