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No matter how sustainable energy level is used by the Bitcoin network, the powerful people at the head of the current system will continue to denigrate Bitcoin.
Their plan is to impose CBDCs on all of us to control and monitor us.
Your privacy is at stake.
This blog post on the White House website entitled "The DAME Tax: Making Cryptominers Pay for Costs They Impose on Others" is there to confirm it: https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2023/05/02/cost-of-cryptomining-dame-tax/
This post obviously never takes into consideration what Bitcoin brings to the people and only says that even if Bitcoin reached 100% green energy, it would still be negative, since it is clean energy that is not used for other sectors.
This is a totally absurd reasoning that will drive innovation away from America and benefit countries that are trying to figure out the why of Bitcoin.
Bhutan, El Salvador and others are ready. It seems the US will not be the global leader going forward.
Course it will. Let's face it, Bitcoin lost this "communication war" as the majority of people embraced the (wrong) narrative "Bitcoin is damaging the planet". Very sad, since it's not the truth, but probably too late to change that.
Obviously. one of the biggest mistakes you can make us taking people's arguments based on "values" or "morals" seriously. They cover for cold, hard interests.
They'll run with the environmental argument as long as they can. When people present evidence that that's wrong, they'll claim their opponents are ill-informed, or lying (we are here).
If that ever becomes prohibitive to argue, they won't give up the opposition; they'll switch up the front-stage argument, revealing that it was always only that: a front.