I've personally tried both, and organic maps is heaps better.
The first thing that you will notice is that the rendering is way smoother, and just because of that I ended up ditching OSMAnd.
Then I started using Organic Maps more and more and found it incredibly useful.
I like the fact that you can have multiple lists of favorites, and import/export them as files.
Also I like that it comes with a basic Open Street Map editor on the app itself so you can for example add details of a bar that is not there yet, on the spot.
It also has audible walking directions which is quite useful if you don't want to be looking at your phone all the time.
And many other things, it's great.
The downsides I've found are that public transport routing is a bit weak, and most importantly, the search is not as good as say Google Maps. I just end up searching the thing in the web and copying the address or match the map with the map in the website. This is the one area that can be improved a lot.
Latest OsmAnd has a new way faster OpenGL render engine, and it can do proper public transport routing. Of course it also has voice navigation and many more advanced features but a steeper learning curve.