Graham Krizek is Founder and CEO of Voltage. Voltage is a cloud platform for hosted Bitcoin and Lightning nodes, BTCPay Server instances, and liquidity. It is being used by several prominent Lightning startups and movements.
Graham and the Voltage team are Changing the Tide by offering a KYC-free experience that allows you to quickly and easily spin up nodes, BTCPay Server instances, and Lightning channels. Your accounts are encrypted to a password you choose that they do not control. As such, they have no insight into your nodes and channels.
Ultimately, they desire to make Lightning scalable as easy at the Enterprise level as at the individual level. That includes the Value4Value model in podcasting and content publishing, as well as social media, gaming, payments, and more.
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0.00000020: Graham Krizek, Voltage
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An earlier post on SN featured this podcast (using the BitcoinTV / Peertube link):
0.00000020: Graham Krizek, Voltage #17101