How do you justify the disservice you are doing to the public by legitimizing unregistered and misrepresented securities tokens?
You are leading people astray and giving Fiat easy excuses to maintain their tyranny. Stop supporting scams.
We prefer to leave the decision of which cryptocurrency to use the discretion of our users. Our focus is to keep improving hardware wallet functionality and usability, which ensures user privacy and security when transacting bitcoin or any cryptocurrency our users are interested in. One such feature is the improved notification system in our Trezor Suite application to alert users whenever they may be interacting with scam tokens.
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I'm happy with that. I've lost money to shipcoins, now it's time for the next batches of people to do the same while I stack cheap sats to recover my losses before they wake up and pump the price. It wouldn't be fair if they skipped that stage. Also, supporting shipcoins makes the Trezor device cheaper, which I can't complain about either.
You sound like someone who hits their kids because you got hit as a kid.
If you don't see the difference between violating the NAP and expressing joy at the workings of an inefficient free market, I can only pity you.