Coinjoins are a thing and jam is nice through tor and a node service like start9
Nicehash offers hashpower buying, but i probably would go that direction, blockstream is coming out with mining notes if that your fancy.
Nostr is coming out with explore and search clients, I could see Nostr replacing or merging with most application and websites.
Lightning will be the membrane of what holds other layer 2s together like Nostr and Liquid
Marketplaces are on the way, v4v and lightning pay walled content is being played around with (Civkit/Diagon Alley)
Seems like we got the communication and money figured out, prolly just need some logistics and adoption now
I've been wondering why none of the mobile wallets have come up with a protocol to allow on-the-fly coordination of coinjoins/payjoins with other active users, regardless of what wallet software they're using (as long as they follow the protocol). Maybe the ability to publish the intent to participate in a coinjoin on nostr is the missing piece?
Submarine swaps between on chain and off chain via lightning coming to nostr. Swapping between e-cash and lightning will be a thing. Prolly App Store hurdles slowing down mobile Coinjoin implementations