There are a handful of Tweets showing this, but not a single one I could find listed a source? Nothing on Paxful's Twitter accounts, nothing on their blog, etc. Is this screen shot from an e-mail? Or from a notification by a mobile app? ?????
Paxful's site does show buy and sell offers though. Weird.
Paxful's former CEO is not involved and certainly not endorsing this:
I have resigned as ceo, withdrawn my funds and would not trade there ever again. Good luck
What gives? Either way, deposit funds and/or trade ... at your own risk!!
Basically this is the part of the horror movie when the dead character suddenly shuffles into the room and someone says, "That's not Aunt Margaret..."
Nailed it!!!
ChatGPT says one or more of these would match that scenario:
  • "Get Out" (2017)
  • "The Lazarus Effect" (2015)
  • "Pet Sematary" (1989)
  • "Pet Sematary" (2019)
  • "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978)
  • "The Return of the Living Dead" (1985)
I'll have to take ChatGPT's word for it, I've not seen any of them.
Oef, something is rotten in the state of denmark, having used both paxful and noones, i'm not confident at all in using them anymore. I guess its off to hodlhold for me now
Sounds like this might be an attempt from the other co-founder to bring back Paxful? Isn't that dispute why it was shut down in the first place anyways?
IMO for the time being I wouldn't touch both Noones and Paxful with a ten-foot pole because all this seems very uncertain for the time being
I still have an account with them which i lost now because my my old phone is lost . i didn't even contact their support to recover it , i didn't even save my seed phase of the account . but it's ok ! let me contact the later :(
Nah breh. Nope.
Someone asked raypaxful, the former head of Paxful, on Twitter. Not the clearest of answers.
Q: "hey bro is paxful back online?" A: "No. I quit as ceo, took out my funds and will never go back. Good luck"