This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Anyone having a referral code for the new Bitcoin Company app?
Download The Bitcoin Company app to start earning bitcoin back on all your purchases. Use my referral code: 8SW11Z
What do stackers feel about having prediction markets on here for shits and giggles, would be a nice way to give DLCs a test and stack sats into a contract lets say on the voting of the EU banning proof of work, price predictions for the year etc
Everyday I'm still amazed by logging in and seeing my distributed sats from Stacker News. I cannot overstate how awesome this feature is !
Looks like a WoT is being considered by the "competition".
What determines what winds up at the top of the feed?
Mix of age + votes + comments (and soon, reputation)
That UI is so broken.
I can't even figure out how to link to that comment directly. To find it, you have to search the page (which only works because the comment is not too old and thus not too far down the page).
Nice! Reputation is likely an absolute measure. WoT is a relative one but the effect might be quite similar.
Does distribution of sats take into account sats dished out? Otherwise I feel a little uneasy that I'm undeservedly getting so many sats back daily compared to a few days ago...
No it takes into account how much you’ve contributed to the site weighting more recent contributions. It’ll decrease some tonight if I push my local changes.
The internet is a powerful thing, I'm sitting at home wondering just how I'm at the Southern tip of Africa and I have the same opportunity to win with crypto just as y'all in first world countries, no excuses all that has to be done is put the work in... BITCOIN WILL CHANGE MY LIFE I TRULY BELIEVE THAT!!!
Three tasks today:
  1. resizing the db
  2. trying to optimize query performance
  3. tuning WoT
May I ask how big the db is already? I imagine it is still okay because it's mostly varchar instead of images or video.
The DB is small <2GB. I was resizing the server it runs on - we went from 2 to 4 cpus, 4 to 8 GB of memory ... I'm doing some silly things with a few queries and it's CPU intensive to query for the front page. Going to improve those queries but it'll be nice to have a performance buffer if I do something silly again.
That was some gnarly downtime. Yikes ... have to work on that.