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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed Twitter account for March 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 39.5K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 696 Profile visits: 5,178 Mentions: 208 New followers: 63 Engagement rate: 3.6^ Link clicks: 600 Retweets without comments: 160 Likes: 250 Replies: 139
Mastodon (Fediverse) for @StackerNewsFeed@BitcoinHackers.org Followers: 85 (+19 since March 6)

For February, 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 39.2K impressions over this 28 day period
Tweets: 604 Profile visits: 8,066 Mentions: 219 New followers: 52 Engagement rate: 3.8% Link clicks: 530 Retweets without comments: 170 Likes: 309 Replies: 95
Mastodon (Fediverse) for @StackerNewsFeed@BitcoinHackers.org Followers: 66

For January, 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 31.3K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 396 Profile visits: 5,726 Mentions: 184 New followers: 84 Engagement rate: 5.1% Link clicks: 338 Retweets without comments: 47 Likes: 184 Replies: 82
Got ~6x as many sats this morning from SN vs yesterday which seems like an anomaly from days prior... seems a bit weird as not sure I was more active recently...
I adjusted the trust algo. A lot of users lost trust as a result (haven't recently been active) so your share is now larger.
I was getting low on sats recently so this boost helped :)
That said I'm thinking about staying on low-sats diet for a while to see how that feels and how the incentives work...
What is the recommended way to post images to SN? It seems like there's no way to size images if they're linked off-site
The offsite images are the only way currently. I’m hoping in the next month or so I’ll be able to add better image/media support.
I found a way to do it with postimg. Is there a way to scale the image with github wiki creole? I tried adding "| width=400" according to an article but that didn't work.
No, I force it to a certain height in css unfortunately.
Seems the rabbit hole has no end... With Bitcoin you learn more everyday...
I think I over-tuned WoT making it too hard to gain trust. I'll pull it back before EOD.
Best April Fools News should've made it onto the front page but was likely only upvoted by lowly trusted users ... I was hoping making it harder to gain trust would break some trust clusters I've seen but that probably needs more direct treatment.
Looks like we need downvotes. The main problem is some users are both occasionally good and occasionally bad actors, but our WoT implementation doesn't let you tell us when you think a user is behaving badly and should lose your trust. This lets even just occasionally good users accumulate trust when they shouldn't if they are otherwise normally bad.
Can't the WoT pick up bad content based on how few trusted users upvote it?
In other words, can silence or a lack of upvotes be a signal of bad content?
The problem we have now is clusters of trusted users, perhaps managed by the same person, upvoting themselves. If they behave good long enough on each account, then they could upvote their own content with trusted accounts and there wouldn't be silence. We also have no way of determining whether a user saw something and didn't upvote it - unless of course we started tracking what users see which is a no go.
The best thing to do likely is the straightforward thing: for trusted users, show a ᐧᐧᐧ (dot dot dot) next to posts and comments and let them tell us they don't like something. It wouldn't even have to de-rank the post necessarily. It could just reduce the trust between those users.
Edit: I need to think on it more and come up with some approaches ... There are likely graph algorithms that would allow me to detect clusters and reduce their significance ... I could also switch us to private WoT (ie every user sees their own feed) but it's probably too early. Lots to consider
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 1 Apr 2022
Ah got it. I wonder if this is a problem at this stage of the site's maturity, or if it can solve itself over time.
When there are thousands of people upvoting good posts, would a bad actor still be able to maintain thousands of trusted accounts to upvote their own stuff?
Your second point about whether or not a user has seen something also makes me wonder whether the problem is temporary or permanent.
Won't content be harder to miss as the site grows larger if users are incentivized to upvote things the community will also find valuable?
I want the SN glasses and the SN hoodie!!! @ThrillerX_ HALP
How would the EU regulation on non-custodial wallets affect EU plebs who want to hold their keys? A list of people holding their funds can't be a good thing, it puts people in danger