This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I think I'm done with this round of tuning WoT ... we'll go from 100+ fully trusted users to ~10 with a long tail of partially trusted users. The biggest impact of this will be on earning, and on getting a post into the front page without more users upvoting it ... it might be a little too aggressive wrt front paging an item but I can tune it to trust more users if need be.
Oh man, I've started actually looking at query performance and have already found 4 really bad ones.
DB is also using a lot of CPU as of yesterday too (unrelated to queries because queries haven't changed). Lots to do
Plan for speeding up the site which I should be able to do before Miami:
  1. bigger DB instance
  2. if I can't further optimize queries, denormalize some of the data in the DB ... right now two aggregate queries dominate the CPU of the DB: the front page query for items (most of the time is spent counting all votes for items) and counting comments for items ... I hate denormalizing data but it'll work
The AMA made the DB scream The left axis is CPU "demand". The dotted line is the number of CPUs we actually have - 2. The blue in each bar are queries for the front page. The yellow is counting the comments for each item on the front page.
What sites do you guys use to earn sats on a daily basis? Please share 🙏🏾...
This is the first site I've ever used where that is possible. Love the idea of this site, too, for a lot of reasons. I wish this would replace reddit.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, ... but I'll share it:
For the most part, .... earning sats is done the same way you earn fiat. Provide value -- either by selling goods and services, or by investing capital and earning a return.
Because bitcoin is still not reached mass adoption, it can be actually quite a bit harder in many ways to earn bitcoin than it is to earn in fiat.
But as more people have either bitcoin accumulated from investment wealth or they earn a salary in bitcoin, etc. a circular economy will form further, and earning in bitcoin will become easier.
if anyone knows of any others we'll happily add them to the list
Maybe add ~jobs to the What are bitcoin jobs?!
Thanks will add it in a bit