one is: if you set up your WoT at 0, then it would show only posts from people who haven't had any ... Even though it's the basic/simplest version of WoT, it still might be confusing to people or hard to ... There are a bunch of ways clients might handle their Web of Trust (WoT), and I guess the simplest / straightforward
pull down to refresh
wot is now the ranking mechanism we use on the homepage and in comments I added search highlighting (
I know that @k00b has written and spoken about using WoT on Stacker News. ... It seems like building a naive WoT based on who follows whom would be a good starting point.
This up/down WoT button would say either, "Yes, this is legit and reputable." ... In this way, I might give them a thumbs up for WoT score, despite my disagreement. ... Clicking a "WoT button" is not liking or disliking a note. This is not agreeing or disagreeing. ... To properly use a WoT button, I might grossly disagree with someone's note, but I could still respect ... As I understand, the way that a Web of Trust (WoT) works is essentially as a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down
The WoT is notable because of how powerful the propaganda used around it. ... A big part of the WoT is funding the terrorists which the war is being waged against.
lnurl-pay qrcode that pays to that user Major plans: continue to monitor and improve performance rework WoT
onboard noobs to existing use cases) and B) new unexpected nostr use cases (leveraging open identity + WoT
and trades to get yourself recommended by other WoT users via positive reviews. ... If you did jump through the hoops to join the WoT then you needed to engage in meaningful interactions ... In their eyes, if you didn’t have a GPG key on the WoT (Bitcoin-OTC web of trust) then you were an “unperson
WoT Relay).
You can view it at ... You'll either have to click that link or manually type the /wot into the url bar. ... How this might evolve As the site grows, eventually logged in users will have their own WoT and not rely
This could also be integrated with a wot relay, allowing you to mix notes from your friends or entire
He was going to take the loss in order to increase his WOT score. ... I was thinking, how much would I pay to increase my WOT, how valuable will it be, was thinking taking
It got me thinking, does Zaprank use WoT score and show differently for different users (?)
I'll sell a bunch of the stuff at a discount, as to generate orders so that I can increase my WOT score
group Also what ever happened with WoT
something like shipyard autoposting something that will allow you to see comments Nostr comments on SN WOT
As for dev time on a single feature it's probably second to only WoT.