Yes, couldn't have said it better. Custodial will always be the first step, because it is easy. Then when user is more experienced, they hopefully switch down the line.
I disagree. When someone starts on the wrong path, it’s much harder to bring them back onto the right path due to momentum and human’s tendency to not want to change.
Self custody can be easy too, as long as proper tools are built and proper education is conveyed. Each and every person that I have orange pilled (not that many, but I’m trying…) always started with self custody wallets.
My thinking is, when it comes to orange pilling / pushing for adoption, either push for self custody or don’t do it at all.
Maybe use a not custodial wallet like OBW / Blixt that offers also custodial channels is the best option. The user can move to self sovereign mode without switching and learning a new app. This could also be a single tap function with a nice automation when the modest inbound liquidity is near full. Win - Win.