Here's two of the ideas I've been working on recently:
  • A browser that can create/view HTML documents stored on Nostr relays. The resulting webpages would be very censorship resistant, because the documents would be stored across multiple relays. Something like server-side scripting is feasible as well.
  • Command and Control via Nostr, pwnat, and SSH. You setup a remote computer (e.g. a server) to periodically check a list of Nostr relays. When you want to connect to the remote machine, you'd have your local client would send a message via Nostr to the remote machine. The two machines would connect via SSH to each other, getting around NAT via pwnat.
If anyone sees the above and wants to implement either idea, please contact me. There are critical security considerations that must be done correctly in order to avoid screwing over your users.
are you working on NIPs for that?
For the C&C idea, I haven't started on a NIP yet. I only thought of it today.
For the HTML browser idea, I am working on two NIPs, since there are two inter-connected protocols needed. I have written most of one NIP, but I have only barely started on the other NIP. Also, I have started programming a first implementation, but it's nowhere near functional yet.
What about making that browser render pages written in markdown? Focus on the pure pages and content only and then browser is responsible for rendering that nicely, adding comment sections, allowing highlighting (&sharing of highlights), etc.
It allows the individual browsing the pages to have the experience they want - do you want to see zaps? Do you want to see comments? Do you want to prefetch and inline links? Do you want to see content side by side? Do you want to see links as a gallery? Do you want to run autotranslation? etc...
This would also fit nicely with the nostr protocol and make it cheap to serve markdown "content only" pages (vs 10s of MBs of html and JS to see a stupid ad).
I still think the gemini protocol (e.g. with the Lagrange browser) is really interesting and it would be ideal for Nostr...