This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Today I have been a little unfocused. It is like when one tries to do many things in the day and in the end the effort is diluted. Tomorrow I need to focus more๐Ÿง
so about that bounty...
Oh is it ready? Is the source somewhere?
Yes it's ready, but no, the source isn't public online.
This is mainly because it's dependent on an api wrapper for SN that I wrote for other projects.
How could we work this out?
I've finally made it to a third round interview. Prepping for that between now and tomorrow morning.
Which Company?
A "fishy" cybersecurity firm is all I'll say for now.
@k00b could you check on the stacker news node why my invoices fail with a no route if you have a bit time ๐Ÿฅน
Are you withdrawing to a public service or your own node
my own node, that has a channel to opennode.
What's the max fee that you're using?
I'm rebalancing now to give my node some more outbound liquidity and provide more outbound routes, but there's already a lot of outbound liquidity. We might just not have a good route to you through open node.
it worked but no in the expected way. sats arrived on my Sphinx channel, which is not made for routing so kind of high fees. only with stacker news, I don't see why it routes through it instead of opennode. how can your node sees it as a best route to my node is mistery ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Thanks for your time man
I'm trying to understand why I can't reveive funds from stacker news on my node. Everything fine from breez and phoenix it's instant, stacker tells me no route. Tho I can zap someone from stacker news on nostr without problem. Only when I do stacker => my node it says no route I'm lost.
Maybe your node is not well connected. What channels have you open?
edit: Oh, I misread. I thought you meant from stacker news to breez and phoenix. But you meant from breez and phoenix to your node, right?
I have one channel to opennode, I don't do any routing. And one channel to sphinx chat but this one is just to tip sphinxers. And it just happen recently withdrawals were fine for very long time. And I can fund stacker from my node too
Day 26 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
my excitement grows for the insanity which will be the next week
whats next week?
I live in the Miami area, next we have Bitcoin Week, which includes a bunch of events put on by locals, which you can review at the Bitcoin Vortex. (Mostly free!)
GM. They are trying to turn the dollar into a black hole you cant escape. Raising the interest rate like this has that effect. I also notice that USM2 is shrinking and $1T has gone since early 2022. It is unprecedented. But lets see how long they can keep it up, its not without consequences. (Imo they are going to take it far, and we may see alot of things breaking, maybe even the US government defaulting going forward)
I am no expert but as far as i understand US government defaulting put simply means it has to cut spending 30-40% and pissing a lot of people off and the US government cutting this amount of spending, due to its size, it will have a relatively big impact on the economy short term.
This little debt limit drama is ridiculous. They'll do another "partial shutdown" like they always do, by laying off government workers whose jobs are meaningless. No one notices, despite the media claiming that it's a disaster. It ends when the debt ceiling is raised, and all those employees are given back pay at time and a half.
Then the cycle starts again.
when inflation and interest rate was low it was easy for congress to vote to print money and go into more debt. but things are a little different now. but lets see.
True. I really don't see how the US can stop printing, even if Powell is serious about the probably futile attempt to get inflation down to 2%. The US is the world's biggest debtor. The debt increases every day. They have to inflate away future debt or actually attempt some type of reset.