As I mentioned in a previous "What are you working on this week?", I'm still working on a backend that allows to let users to get a nostr nip05 and/or a lightning address on your own domain, in python using fastapi.
It allows to define
  • paid plan (admin can freely define how long it'll extend the item validity), it works with lnbits and having a lnbits wallet is required to use that feature.
  • free plan (same as paid without the need of invoice/billing handling)
  • private plan (invitation key is needed)
  • max item per plan and some others interesting limits
Later I will try to make the customers able to manage their items/subscriptions directly through nostr DMs.
I though don't have any experience on frontend as i'm just an experienced backend dev, I'd like to take your advices on where should i start, React? Vue? Angular?, the backend provides REST apis and Websockets is planned also.