"Maximizing utility doesn’t require convincing people that this or that idea is superior; it just requires making their lives better in some way and letting the free market do its thing. Convincing people to drop the money they’ve been using their whole lives is a tough sell. By contrast, letting them switch to something new because it’s manifestly better than the old thing is a natural, smooth, non-invasive process."
So, why there is still no p2p NFC transfer option between two LN wallets?
Such approach for example in the small shops in El Salvador would be manifestly better than the old thing i.e. hassle of scanning QR codes.
Of course with the same precaution like in plain NFC payments - smartphone of payer must be unlocked and additionally with confirmation pop-up window in LN wallet with the amount in sats/usd and OK/Reject buttons.
Please do it @roy in Breez! :)