If you were running Stacker News, what features would you add, remove, or change?
Oh I dont know if I have used it enough yet to say, but I will try to answer:
  • It's okay to make the design nicer, I promise.
  • It should use Slashtags and Reputation features more deeply
  • The jobs page should be priced per day, not per minute, and should have a 1 sat minimum bid.
  • it shouldnt be custodial balances
  • it should have more leaderboard features for users and post-types and timeframes, etc
maybe it already does some of these things or these are bad ideas, just riffing!
I think custodial balances are totally fine and jumping through hoops to remove the custodial nature of it has a real cost to speed of feature development. Also what most projects do to be “non-custodial” is ask for your node’s admin macaroon which is FAR worse than keeping a tiny balance with the site.
Custodial wallet accounts bring compliance requirements, legal overhead, censorship, etc. The whole point of Bitcoin is to hold it yourself, and the more we respect this, the better the tools we need will evolve.
We need browsers, desktop wallets, and browser extensions that handle these needs, not more accounts.
It's okay to make the design nicer, I promise.
🤣 Not a fan of my flavor of brutalism john?
It has admittedly grown on me after a few days of intensive usage.