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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Why should farmers produce more food than they can consume themselves?
Happy Mother's Day🎉
Hello everyone, it's Sunday funday, time for some chilling and relaxation, ask yourself what do I want to do for fun today? First thought that comes to your mind, do it. Obviously, as long as it's a civilized thing, not to hurt others, or something you can afford to do. A beer by the pool while some ribs are on the grill, a walk through the park, your favorite book while sipping some tea, maybe a movie, a walk at the beach, a nice drive and do a picnic, a glass of wine by the fireplace with a nice conversation. Anything that pops into your head, once you're done say thank you, and you'll feel how your week will be more positive and productive, so treat yourself, enjoy and of course, be well and stay frosty. Thank you for being, thank you for existing, you matter, never forget that.
Bitcoin Brunch #104 starting in less than an hour! Let's go bitcoin week!
Time for physio!
Treating my wife like a queen! Oh and stacking a few sats for us!
It turned out to be very difficult to create a miner based on laser calculations. only the true one will do it first! the conditions for starting up are the same for everyone. continue in the direction of .root of 3
Solving real problems is key to obtaining wealth.
Day 29 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
What can be done to make people understand the uncomfortable truth that government and politicians are rent seekers and scammers?
What would be an alternative way of organizing society?
Just yesterday, I read about futarchy here.
Will add my thoughts there when I have more time to get my point across in the best way possible.
I also think this discussion could be interesting for everyone on SN since it's essentially about how to build SN on nostr.
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