You are moving pretty fast from "I haven't been thinking much about this..." to "let's change democracy through betting".
Glad to see your idea is taking you to fun places.
Haha yes.
I am trying to read as much as I can about prediction markets now to make them on nostr (or in some other way?) a reality. Finding some pretty interesting stuff while going down this rabbit hole.
Robin Hanson is a great thinker. I think incorporating skin-in-the-game via these bets into existing systems would help to show where there is a mismatch in policy and expected outcomes. Maybe elected leaders could be given a stipend for betting on policies they prefer and that results in their salary rather than spending money on them to lie to us.
This style of thinking seems like window-dressing / thought experiments for the comfortable who don't want to actually change things staring us in the face. Hanson while interesting seems to be like any of a number of fiat intellectuals (Kelton, etc, even though I know they have different takes) who basically gets to weave thought poems while the world burns, and the major work of fixing the money and ridding the world of corruption falls by the wayside.
Fix the money fix the world? Toss out kleptocrats and address structural corruption? Nah, bro, let's turn government into a version of proof of stake mixed with BetDSI for the 1984 style gambling plebs ... /s
Fixing the money and changing the form of government is not mutually exclusive, no?
Not mutually exclusive, no, but one distracts from the other. This particular area of interest for Hanson (futarchy) reads to me like coming up with a meme solution for a problem that doesn't exist to avoid structural issues that do exist. It's like the E/A psyop where they get nerds to think black box expected value on issues they won't really engage with or ever change.
His proposal seems to give people "voice" (as in the theory of "voice and exit") but really it's just the corrupt democracy we have with extra steps. It's meme-tier. And how it could be implemented incrementally from the current messed up system, never mind that.
These things are all memes to distract people from how they're being robbed.