Let me see if I can sum this up
UTXO breed children called
  1. ATXO > which anchor to the timechain
  2. STXO > which is a false layer that a person would need to claim a utxo
  3. VTXO > tokens people pass around but ready to cash out can convert to a STXO?
Which all this can be done if CTV goes live on Core?
Seems like a lot of complexity
the upgrade itself is relatively simple, 200 lines of code plus tests. it is massively less complex than both segwit and taproot. the issue has always been, what's the reward?
No, STXO is not a "redeem" for my UTXO. It's my money just as much as my private key. The STXO is IN the blockchain, it just doesn't have global presence. if you lose your transaction info, you lose your money.
You can directly write STXO's onto the chain and I'm going to add a way of making the CTV transaction a sponsor for special transactions that are STXO but should be on the base layer. what will disappear are silly things like channel openings and closings. payments to bob. i also want to add what i'd do to whirlpool.
CTV is just a placeholder for transactions.
I want to pay Bob (Tx1) Open a LN channel (Tx2) Cold Storage (Tx3)
ATXO is the tx with CTV(HASH of Tx's)
STXO is Tx1, Tx2, Tx3.
if STXOs arent Bitcoin than neither is lightning. we could designate lightning as LTXO's.