In a world where most people believe identification equals security, and are economically illiterate, this is extremely dangerous. Especially if media pushes for it. "Don't get your bitcoin stolen! Exchange it for Worldcoin, with biometric security, and get an instant deposit covering the cost of the iris scanner, plus a bit more! The less you have, the more you get! You'll also get a fixed amount of worldcoin added monthly to your wallet!"
Bitcoin might still win, but such a development could delay it 10X, until people learn the hard way that their worldcoin loses purchasing power even faster than legacy fiat, and seriously drop the BTC price during that time. And put a lot of BTC in the hands of, let's not beat around the bush, evil people.
We need to call this theftcoin out for what it is - exactly that, a privacy infringing, dytstopian theftcoin - as much as possible. Not in places where everybody already knows, but to the people who are at risk of being fooled by it, and especially those who hold bitcoin but don't know anything about Austrian economics. Focusing on Worldcoin's inevitably declining purchasing power is probably better than on the privacy implications in most cases, due to stated reasons. Also find other arguments, that the people who are at risk can easily understand and identify as bad things with Worldcoin.