The number of people is inexorably growing, who have had the following intellectual experiences:
1.) The thought that our freedom is being very gradually curtailed by a handful of psychopaths.
2.) Their tool and weapon for enslaving us is the tool we all use every day. Money.
3.) We have to start using a money that these deranged people can't control.
4.) OMG Bitcoin!
The above listed experiences are fundamental and true for all who use Bitcoin.
So if the number of people for whom the above is true, is growing....
And growing in a way that appears to be unstoppable...
We must understand that the utterly evil powers that be are also having the above intellectual experiences.
It seems like it would be a good thing, and it is, for what good comes of it. But inside me there is this dread. A terrible fear for what bad will come of it.
Make no mistake, the people who are puppeteering the various money circuses around the world are completely evil. And in the current structure they are incredibly powerful. We all know that there is no limit to the degree of evil these people are capable of.
At some point we are going to have to do something about them, because they aren't going to just stand by while the structure they've been building is dismantled and replaced by one where they are powerless.
I think we are already seeing plenty of evidence that they are scrambling to find ways to stop Bitcoin. Some of their ideas are passively slowing adoption. Many---if not all---of the various cryptocurrency scams are most definitely vectors of attack. But they are far more sinister than simply spamming the legitimate business realm with legitimate competition.
Does anyone else have the feeling that just about everything that's been happening since Bitcoin made it's debut on the NYSE has been an attack on Bitcoin? Even COVID-19? Even Ukraine/Russia? I'm very worried what they will do as fiat nears it's end and they begin acting irrationally out of desperation.
Maybe we should be pre-emptive, and assess exactly who the threats are and bring justice to them before they have a chance to hurt a huge number of people. What do you think?
Does anyone else have the feeling that just about everything that's been happening since Bitcoin made it's debut on the NYSE has been an attack on Bitcoin? Even COVID-19? Even Ukraine/Russia? I'm very worried what they will do as fiat nears it's end and they begin acting irrationally out of desperation.
No I don't think they care that much about bitcoin yet.
afaict they only care enough to do the easy stuff.
100%. Only a select few in power even get it. Bitcoin for the most part is a minor political issue. I think very few of these leaches get how much of a threat it is to their control. I dont think they will figure this out soon enough. Really it is already to late to stop it. But that doesnt mean we've won. We have a long way to go yet. Freedom will win in the end its up to us to be ready to lend a hand to those that want to escape the fiat trap.
At some point we are going to have to do something about them, because they aren't going to just stand by while the structure they've been building is dismantled and replaced by one where they are powerless.
Yes, they won't but I don't see how they can fight us without highlighting the point of bitcoin and thus strengthening our cause.
Does anyone else have the feeling that just about everything that's been happening since Bitcoin made it's debut on the NYSE has been an attack on Bitcoin? Even COVID-19? Even Ukraine/Russia?
No, not really. Sorry, that sounds too conspirational for me. Doesn't mean it's wrong though; I just don't know. Regarding stuff like this, I tend to agree with the following quote:
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
bring justice to them before they have a chance to hurt a huge number of people. What do you think?
You first haha
Thank you for the quote, it just sort of blew my mind.
A small laser-based miner with a consumption of 2-3kWh, and a hashing rate of more than 2000ET/S will fix this. a question was posed to bitcoin.... what does it live for? Life can't survive without it?
that miner you speak of won't cut it, there is that "difficulty adjustment" thing going on :-) ... just saying...
and he doesn't have to. it is a kind of trigger to slow down the progress of implementation. after recalculating the difficulty, it is disabled and the blocks will be 100-200 minutes) and so do every 2015 blocks) it's simple... or there will be a fork that will change the rate of difficulty change to 215 blocks) but that's another story...
I agree with a lot of this . But we have to be careful about how we fight the psychopaths.
Creating and finding solutions together through holding a heart based consciousness will get us through. Justice will come to them in time through natural law.
Yeah I know that sounds a bit hippy dippy. 😄🙏
Hippy dippy or not I agree with you. We don't want to see conflict. We can see bitcoin win with minimal conflict and hopefully zero violence. We need to focus on the future, not justice/revenge. When the fiat world falls it will get ugly for those that aren't ready for it.
The bitcoin community is well-organized and on the same page on most of these types of issues, but adoption is still low, so population density of freedom-valuing individuals is low other than small niche areas. I think the issue comes down to a breakdown in trust (and just apathy/fatigue from gaslighting in general), as we've seen it becoming more and more clear that our institutions constantly lie, and that extends to individuals also a lot of the time. The regime has constantly been working to sow this distrust through divide and conquer tactics, of course. Overall, though, I don't there is a quick fix. We're in it for the long haul, so the best that we can do as a freedom-valuing sector of society is look for solutions to problems as they arise, educate people as best we can, and look for innovations and workarounds to the chaos that the state causes.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You triggered me to write a short post I've been mulling in my mind for a few weeks.
evolution is slow, just live and save resources) You can learn this from a poor country with huge resources, ready to defend itself and its resources to the last life on the planet as a whole. Relax and don't make a big deal out of it.
They already hurt vast millions through all the CEASELESS wars since ww2, including wars on their own people through the development and release of bio-weapon viruses.
Justice will only be done in this world by clawing back our right to access the free market with sound money.
Which is what we are doing here every day. Stay humble
What i think is going to happen is that people will turn on each other. I mean people are frustrated and getting increasingly so. The path of least resistance is to take it out on the nearest weakest person near you or the one that just sticks out. The end game is when the power goes out and the super markets are empty. Sad!