Lightsats is excited to attend The Bitcoin Conference 2023 in Miami and sponsor 12,000 lightning tip cards at 1,000 sats each to be distributed in tote bags. As our mission is to provide an easy onboarding tool for lightning, we want to extend this opportunity to conference staff who may not be familiar with Bitcoin. To achieve this, we plan to use Lightsats as an onboarding tool and seek funding to onboard as many staff members as possible.
We have purchased an Orange Label Printer and round stickers to quickly onboard staff members. Our onboarding process will include me @juansebastiangb wearing a Lightsats QR Code with loaded tips and approaching staff members to ask if they would like to receive Bitcoin tips from attendees.
After scanning the QR Code, staff members will be prompted to download Wallet of Satoshi, a custodial wallet with the least amount of friction for onboarding purposes. They will withdraw their sats sponsored by all Geyser Plebs🧡 and then they will be asked to back up their wallet first and allow us to scan their LN Address.
Finally, we will print each staff member's LN Address on a sticker label using the portable label maker, which they can wear on their t-shirt for attendees to send them tips directly to their Wallet of Satoshi. We will provide three prints for each staff member in case they work all three days and need to change their shirts.
If anyone wants to contribute you can send wants to our Geyser Fund campaign