A few ideas on some points you touch:
  • Working out: I have all I need at home (pullup bar, basic set of weights). I do my strength training in around 20-30 min. Sometimes I even use the minute of rest between sets to cook. I couldn't be fit if I had to go somewhere like a gym to train, it just takes a lot of time. Unless you are into lifting super-heavy and you need advanced equipment, why not stay at home?
  • Meals:
    • Rule #1 is to have your kitchen well stocked. Every saturday, I decide what I'll eat during the next week. Then, I write what I need in order to cook all of that and I go and buy it. This way, I never find myself not having the ingredients I need.
    • Rule #2: always cook some extra servings. If I do pasta bolognese for someone else and me, I'll actually cook 4 or 6 servings of sauce instead of 2. The additional servings go to the freezer. Now I can have lunch some week day in 15min by just boiling pasta and heating up the sauce again (and I'll probably do that while I work out). So, I get a healthy, home cooked, tasty lunch and workout in ~30 min. If you want to take this to the extreme, you can do some batch cooking on the weekend and have all your meals for the week. I don't need to got that far, so I don't.
    • Not a rule, but more of a tip: knowing how to cook a lot of different things let's you find meals that suit your life (due to the time you have right now for cooking, due to the ingredients you have right now if your fridge, etc). Investing in knowing how to cook many different meals provides you more flexibility that makes things easier.
On the rest of them: my work organization is a mess. But let me challenge you here: why do you wanna be so crazy efficient?
I think it's much more important to pick the right tasks than to be crazy productive in doing them. I don't mean to say being productive is not nice, but I wouldn't obsess over it. There is a lot of people doing stupid/unnecessary/pointless stuff in a super efficient way, effectively getting them... nowhere.
Instead, you could make sure you are doing the right things, peacefully do them at a normal, sustainable pace, and happily go to sleep every night knowing you did what you could and you are one step closer to whereever it is you want to be.
Lots of great tips, thank you!
Not obsessing over productivity, simply trying to eliminate some time waste. Some are low hanging fruit so I'll act on those. Fortunately I wind down early every night and happily go to sleep.
Working out: I prefer to work out outdoors because I get sunlight/daylight, greenery and grounding for free (all three paramount for health) while I train
Meals: Weekly groceries and batch cooking (within reason) sound great, can optimize some of the dishwashing too