This is just how I do things; not advice...
  • I wear pretty much the same thing everyday.
  • I eat pretty much the same thing everyday. Maybe I'll eat out once or twice a week to mix things up.
  • I use my inbox as my punch list. If it's not in there, it doesn't exist.
  • I put my devices on DND during business hours and only check new messages at 3 points during the day (when I start my work day, after lunch, and an hour before I clock out) just to make sure I'm not missing something important. This frees me from most distractions.
  • I take frequent breaks as my brain requires them – this could be a stroll around the office/house, or 20 minutes of Stacker News, gaming, youtube or even work in the garden.
  • Once or twice a day I go for a 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood. Usually in the morning before I do anything. But also if someone pisses me off.
  • My family... where the hell IS my family???
Definitely need to put devices on DND more. Maybe leave them in the bathroom and check every n breaks.
I go for a walk as soon as I wake up, pretty good way of starting the day! But I need timers for breaks, if I leave it up to my brain it will choose to keep going until it's fried