(Aside from transferring between them of course)
Let's say I put KYC bitcoin in one, and non-KYC in the other... can these be linked somehow? Any other security considerations?
  1. There is no such thing as "KYC bitcoin".
  2. Use coin control
  3. Use the method of 3 levels of stashing as I explain it here #179851
Thanks for your reply. I have read many of your guides (including the one you linked) and been a fan for a while.
I feel like I might not have communicated my question very well in this post.
I'm simply asking whether two different wallets created by adding different passphrases to the end of the same 12 or 24 word recovery phrase can be linked to each other in any way. My guess is that they cannot be linked, but I don't want to guess. I was hoping for a more informed explanation from someone here.
Regarding the term "KYC bitcoin", please let me know how I should say this correctly. When I say "KYC bitcoin", I am talking about bitcoin that I purchased through a platform that has my KYC information (an exchange), as opposed to bitcoin earned through mining, purchased through a KYC-free platform like robosats, or sent through coinjoin/joinmarket.
Ok. An additional word to the standard 12 or 24 will simply generate a new mnemonic, a new set of private keys. What are actually the mnemonic words? A human readable form of private keys.
What you describe is practically a method of plausible deniability. Let's say you save those 12 words seed in 2 places. Then to one set you add a 13th word. This will be your real wallet with funds. Then to the same 12words seed you add a diferent 13th word and save it in another place. As a decoy. As a test. Empty or just with few meaningless sats. Or much better deposit a large amount of BTC but later move them from that wallet to another one, to seems like a "hack".
If you are in a threatening situation you just give them the decoy wallet, emptied and play the role of " hacked" loser that lost all his BTC.
In regards KYC, say KYC identity or KYC exchanges. Why? Because if you say kyc bitcoin that means there are 2 types of bitcoins. And that is not true. If that will happen then bitcoin is dead, useless, worthless.