Jack is doing so much for Bitcoin ... hats off!
This is really sick and excited to learn more.
Here's a great breakdown of how it works and the value https://medium.com/hackernoon/azteco-bitcoin-for-the-masses-fc17f8ca1df0
But Azteco is building the easiest way to buy Bitcoin, through vouchers. They have vendor sites which are like virtual "ATMs".
  • They can spin these vendor sites up in minutes
  • You can go to a local store and send BTC to a merchant or yourself. No tech lift.
  • Just type a 16 digit voucher number and a BTC address
This could help unlock the normies to send BTC instantly without interfacing with a bank, charity, or exchanges.
Given 2.2 billion are unbanked, this unleash a immense amount of value for e-commerce worldwide.
Azteco's founder Akin Fernandez is absolutely brilliant and Azteco is really doing great things.
But why would they put their press release out on LinkedIn or otherwise do anything to give patronage to that disgusting organization?
Beautyon is Akin Fernandez?
I believe so, yes.
Jack and Hivemind, are they doing nostr stuff?
Jack is by far my favorite billionaire.