This is a bounty post for It's been two months and I haven't come around to do it myself yet so I figured I'll post it here.
The website is about player stats (and more) for @Satlantis and uses NextJS and knex.
The bounty is about implementing multi-session support:
Currently, if users login on mobile, they will be logged out on desktop (and vice versa). This is really annoying.
This happens because the mobile session does not have the same session cookie as the desktop session. However, the database schema only supports one session per user so if the user logs in on mobile, the existing desktop session gets overwritten; logging the user out on desktop.
The fix would be to create a dedicated table named sessions and join the users table with that one to see if the session id in the cookie has a corresponding entry in sessions.
50,000 sats bounty
You can ask questions here or DM me on nostr: npub16x07c4qz05yhqe2gy2q2u9ax359d2lc0tsh6wn3y70dmk8nv2j2s96s89d