Adding on to that story ... an interesting twist.
There was this L.A. Times reporter trailing Governor Johnson that day. She stood to my side listening as I was telling the Governor about bitcoin. I then asked her if she was familiar with bitcoin and I might even have asked her to write an article on it. She brushed me off to get in another question or two in with Governor Johnson.
A decade later, still with L.A. Times, she now does hit pieces on Bukele (President of El Salvador). And she still doesn't understand bitcoin.
Her 2011 article on Governor Johnson:
Republican Gary Johnson is not the average presidential candidate
Her articles on Bukele:
El Salvador’s president buys bitcoins ‘naked,’ he boasts. His experiment is costing his nation millions
In response to killings, El Salvador’s bitcoin president attacks civil liberties #18824
As El Salvador’s president tries to silence free press, journalist brothers expose his ties to street gangs [Archive]