699k sats for a bag of balls. Yeah, I'm good with the two I already got that were provided free of charge. This screams desperation/pointless. I read thru the first page of the website but still don't see the point of obtaining the balls you're selling.
Going to your profile and the first interactions I see people had with you make a lot of sense:
"Lol you're a shitcoining shitlib and don't even understand how bitcoin works."
"I don't try to convince retard faggots of anything. Fuck off"
Can't say I disagree with their sentiment toward you.
So instead of telling me and explaining to me the actual use for your product, you just insult and belittle me? Definitely makes me think your product is a scam now because it seems like you can't defend it.
Hey, buddy, it's totally ok if you make minimum wage and are happy to roll dice 100 times and verify math on a raspberry pi zero because your time isn't worth very much, you can just tell us that.