None of my friends owned Bitcoin and never met a person who told me anything about Bitcoin!
I used to read a lot of books (physical ones) but started to lose focus so I stopped then my brother told me about Listening to books on Audible instead and I thought its cool so I downloaded the app and I got 1 free credit ... so while I was scrolling through hundreds of books I came across one book that had a catchy title ... I checked the author and his background was in Economics so I was like "let me try to understand this thing" .... so I read the Bitcoin Standard ... then re-read it 3 more times....many years later I realised Saif and I are living in the same country and had the privilege to meet him in person a month ago
my entry was Bitcoin and my previous background (interested in fraud, con artists and human motivation) made it very clear from the beginning that Bitcoin is different from everything else but my curiosity lead me into wanting to understand what really is happening in shitcoin land (as an insider) and managed to see what is happening which is documented here:
Another one save by The Bitcoin Standard, thank to saifedean