No, there is no such thing as a bitcoin maximalist -- there are simply those who understand bitcoin and those who do not. When you dignify maximalist as a valid point, you are conceding the point to shitcoiners and letting them set the frame, no different from the pussies who acquiescently try to argue that "bitcoin is actually good for 'green' energy" or similar nonsense.
I identify as a bitcoin berserker: I understand bitcoin, and I am also unhinged. All our welcome to understand bitcoin while being "well-adjusted" or whatever it is you normiecoiners identify as.
I'd argue that nobody completely understands Bitcoin. I believe that once you fall down the rabbit hole, you never stop falling.
Understanding does not mean understanding everything, it only means understanding the very obvious facts that monetary Schelling points are winner takes all, that the winner is the first to come of with difficulty adjusted proof of work to ensure the supply cap in perpetuity, and finally, that this is the mathematically/thermodynamically optimal solution that can never be displaced for the continuation of a species' existence on any given planet.
This is like the e=mc^2 of bitcoin.