4 minute read
I originally wrote this article for bitbyte.news
On May 22, 2010, a Florida man made Bitcoin history, buying two pizzas from Papa John's for 10,000 Bitcoin (BTC). Little did he know, this ordinary transaction would later turn him into the infamous "Bitcoin Pizza Boy." The story of Laszlo Hanyecz remains a tale of huge loss, but also huge gains for the legacy of Bitcoin.
Hanyecz was a computer programmer living in Jacksonville, Florida. He was one of the earliest adopters of Bitcoin, introduced by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto just a year before. Back then, Bitcoin was virtually unknown, with no real-world value or practical use. Hanyecz saw potential in Bitcoin and dedicated his personal time to mining, the process by which new Bitcoin is created by solving complex mathematical problems.
Despite being worth just a fraction of a cent at the time, Hanyecz believed in Bitcoin's potential and saw value where others didn't. Still, the new digital currency needed a way to bridge the gap between the digital world and tangible goods and services. This is where the now-infamous pizza transaction comes into play.
On May 18, 2010, Hanyecz posted a message on the Bitcoin Talk forum offering 10,000 BTC in exchange for two pizzas. A few days later, on May 22, a forum user accepted the offer. Hanyecz sent the 10,000 BTC to the user, who then ordered two pizzas from Papa John's to Hanyecz's house. With this transaction, Bitcoin was officially used as a real-world currency for the first time.
At the time, the 10,000 BTC was roughly worth about $41, making it a reasonably priced pizza order. However, as Bitcoin's value skyrocketed over the next decade, the cost of those pizzas grew exponentially. At Bitcoin's all time high in 2021, those pizzas would have been worth a staggering $500 million. This transaction has since become legendary within the Bitcoin community and is celebrated annually as "Bitcoin Pizza Day."
In retrospect, it is easy to label Hanyecz as a man who made a colossal financial blunder. However, it's crucial to place the event within the proper context. In 2010, Bitcoin was in its infancy, and its future was far from certain. Furthermore, Hanyecz's transaction played a significant role in giving Bitcoin real-world value, and arguably, laid a stepping stone towards the wider acceptance of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange.
Hanyecz has publicly addressed the transaction several times. In a 2018 interview with The New York Times, he acknowledged the seeming folly of his purchase but remained sanguine about it. According to him, he is proud to have played a part in Bitcoin history and views the transaction as an experiment that worked. Hanyecz saw his pizza purchase as a necessary step in testing Bitcoin's potential as a globally adopted decentralized digital currency.
The story of the Bitcoin Pizza Boy is as much about missed riches as it is about the early days of a technological revolution. This event marks the first real-world use case for Bitcoin as a means for currency. Although, we now cringe at the fact that 10,000 BTC was spent of 2 pizzas - but, this was truly a significant moment for Bitcoin's legacy.
Despite the jaw-dropping price those pizzas would command today, it's essential to remember the role of Hanyecz's transaction in Bitcoin's history. This act showed that Bitcoin could be used for everyday transactions, a crucial step in its journey toward broader acceptance.
Hanyecz's story remains a staple of Bitcoin folklore, a parable of missed opportunity and pioneering spirit intertwined. Despite his extraordinary pizza bill, he is a pivotal figure in the evolution of Bitcoin, illustrating its potential as a transactional currency, not just a speculative asset. Regardless of whether you view him as a cautionary tale or a digital pioneer, there's no denying that the Bitcoin Pizza Boy has secured his slice of Bitcoin history.
And remember, if you are celebrating today by buying pizza, do it the right way - go to The Bitcoin Co or BitRefill, and pay with Bitcoin!
P.S. If you want to learn more about Bitcoin's 14-year-long history, head to The Bitcoin Legacy Project - a recent project I created. It is the most comprehensive timeline of significant Bitcoin events that have occurred from pre-inception to today.
A. The man didn't spend every last one of his bitcoins on that pizza.
B. Future people may well say the same about the "crazies on Stacker News" who gave you 100 sats for this post. "100 sats for a post online?! WTF! LOL they could have bought food for a month for that if they'd held onto those!"
C. Those people will be equally wrong and dumb. We're growing the network by using the network, just like Bitcoin Pizza Guy did 13 years ago!
p.s. That pizza looks really good, by the way
I bought a bike with Bitcoin yesterday on Bitcoin Pizza Day! I hope one day to regret the purchase. ;)
This thanks for sharing a great perspective!
Cheeky way of making someone give you 100 sats for this comment :)
Spot on - 100% agree!
Bitcoin on-chain transactions where possible in the past... I don't think will be a thing in the future, at all!
There's many more L2 technologies that will be easily and quickly replace the everyday use of bitcoin.
Great article anyway and congrats on the Legacy Project... it's an amazing summary and really well-designed
L2 is so easy and quick, so I am okay with that
Thank you, I appreciate that! :)
What a great piece! I actually recited it to my little boy to educate him on the fascinating history of Bitcoin.
That's so awesome!
Lanzlo a écrit l'histoire du bitcoin, en termes de transactions peer to peer
That photo is from when Laszlo bought pizzas with lightning when that was new.
The correct photo of the historical pizzas is this one:
Here's the archived link for more of the original photos