It was nice to read that. Thanks! If you like, you can credit my memory []
BTW, Not sure whether tor DoS is a related security issue that needs inclusion. Maybe a seperate topic?
Next update I'll credit you, thanks for the memory!
I'm not sure, I feel like ToR DoS is a LN Node adjacent concern, especially among first-time noderunners and very small (or privacy concerned) operations that are ToR-only.
One of my ideas, was to retain this file as an "executive summary" and then a separate document for each failure event, and a deep dive into the technical aspects so if a reader wants an in-depth historical post mortem on a specific event, they can read up on just that event. What do you think?
Yeah, guess so. It's not a fundamental requirement, though privacy and security are entwined. Think that's a great idea for a project, to be summarised and can be referenced over time.
Trying to improve front-end web skills to summarize documentation in a more visual way, mostly just to aid my own understanding of bitcoin, but see where it all goes.