Centralized mining is a non-issue, or am I missing something?
Sorry just re-read your post. Centralized mining is am issue because it creates a central point of failure/corruption in the btc ecosystem. For example, governments could force them to take certain actions, or they themselves could take certain actions in a biased manner.
See my reply above.
Quite the opposite! Its a serious issue for me.... I created this thread as a way to assess what the community felt, and suggested an achievable solution.
If the thread die early, I guess the community either doesnt think its an issue, or doesnt like my proposed solution.
This main issue of centralization is power to control from a minority over the majority and as the Bitcoin protocol was discovered by Nakamoto, this is almost non-existent.
Is this thread aware of the power miners do have over the network in terms of "governance"? It is very limited. Understanding the technical details of the Bitcoin Protocol and "governance" or at times consensus models, in which, to move Bitcoin in a certain direction in a centralized manner is null in regards to one "arm" of the Bitcoin network (miners which are in discussion here).
Also, if you are worried about governments, don't be at all! Free markets and decentralization are the remedy (which Bitcoin is). Second, get out of your mind control in which you believe someone or some organization has rulership over you. Learn how to stand up for yourself against these psychopaths (governments). You rule your life, they don't (unless you sign a contract with them).