This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Over the last week or so, lots of developments with Lightning network:
BitPay adds LN, Kraken last week added LN, Zebedee's on-screen LN widget for live streamers launched, DiscoPay tipping on Discord launched, the quantity of BTC on LN keeps growing exponentially, Taro (assets on LN), BitGo announced LN support is coming, Stacker News reports 26% growth in March, more experimenting with LN (e.g., LN Beer dispensing, more point-of-sale apps, etc.), dozens of podcasts mentioned Value for Value and Streaming sats, etc., etc., etc.,
Probably nothing.
I have the Bitcoin 2022 livestream on in the background while I'm working :)
Watching Bitcoin 2022 Industry Day via YouTube and I'm loving it so far.. So much knowledge will be shared this week... Let's Bitcoin!!!
It’s crazy to see this space grow! This technology is crushing the legacy financial system on a shoestring budget. In America we use to champion innovation and competition but now it’s become an ugly regulatory nightmare which keeps these bad blood sucking institutions in power. I really do hope the lawmakers don’t screw this up for the world. No one will want a gold back Chinese/Russian fiat. Bitcoin lightning is the way!!
I roll my eyes when people call bitcoin a Ponzi scheme. Look at all the IPOs that are completely in the red now. The SEC allowing zombie companies with no REVENUE have billion dollar Market caps yet we are to believe they are there to protect the investor GTFOH!!