I still haven't turned Bitcoin-only yet. Technically 3% of my holdings are shitcoins. I stacked LOTS of discounted sats back in 2021/2022 by GPU mining and I still have some shitcoins which I keep as lottery tickets for more sats in the future if they spike. Recently this happened as I used to be 93% Bitcoin. I don't feel the need to get rid of my shitcoins yet, if they go to zero I don't care, if they get me more sats in the future then I'm happy.
I do have one shitcoin which I didn't get from GPU mining, I bought some when I cared about Bitcoin + this shitcoin back in late 2018. I never bothered to sell it and still don't see a benefit to selling it even though it has only lost against Bitcoin in the past 5 years.
I'm pretty close to being Bitcoin-only, I only care about Bitcoin, I spend my time thinking about and discussing Bitcoin, I'm trying to get a job at a Bitcoin-only company, I'm working on open source Bitcoin projects... but I just don't feel any need to sell my remaining 3% of shitcoins.
I am hedged because I don't believe humanity has a great record of making the right choice, to be frank