If we go all in on nuclear and have almost free electricity things can be not quite as bad as they look like they will be. Actually a bunch of promising moves in that direction.
As for dealing with a worse situation, financially prepare and prepare by getting used to a very minimalist lifestyle. The lifestyle part has always been my natural disposition anyway. Won't stop difficulties but will make living through them a less trying experience.
Sorry, I have no secrets to reveal on how to skate through living in a prolonged or continuous/open ended/indefinite period of economic decline.
Edit: No time to really add much about how bad it could get. I guess just pick a country that has seen some decline by various measures and compare it to that. Highly unlikely we are going to be Zimbabwe anytime soon but not sure which country's experience might be the most likely parallel. Maybe Greece?
The thing that concerns me, that makes it much worse than Greece imo, is that Canada is a highly divided country, with a huge immigrant population. There are have-nots both in the immigrant and "old stock" Canadians, and the political class is essentially out to lunch, highly corrupt.
People are getting squeezed so hard, and the money is devaluing so badly against housing that we're not only going to have homeless encampments, you'll have widespread poverty based crime. That will not be one big happy cultural mosaic, either.
In Greece, as I recall reading, you had a highly homogenous society that was basically not declaring taxes, the government taking ill advised loans etc (everyone was kinda playing that game) and so when IMF / West called in loans, there was likely more solidarity amongst the Greeks.
In Canada, based on my early life experiences, I can foresee like a "powder keg" of resentment-based violence and it's not a pretty picture. This is the kind of thing I worry about and why I brought up getting the fuck outta here lol... I don't actually want to move to a whole new place for a second time in my life, not sure where I'd go even. Grumble grumble
Almost-free electricity is one of the most retarded things a person could say.
Tbh, usually I try to get more people into bitcoin, but I would actually prefer you sell all your coins than learn why you are an arrogant retard (arrogant for thinking your thoughts are coherent, let alone that they have any merit!)
I'm curious how much money it is that I have to want to pay for my energy bill in order to not be considered retarded? 🤔
What would be so bad about grinding down energy costs to the cost of production in order to attract manufacturers and other economic utilization of said cheap energy?
You are no better than commie leftist authoritarians with your libelous non-sequitor nonsense. Be gone arrogant and disingenuous scum pretending to be a human!
@DiracDelta, I understand that you strongly disagree with the concept of almost-free electricity. Is your concern primarily rooted in the fact that nuclear energy, being state-affiliated and centralized, gives the government power and control over the citizens? If I understand correctly, you may be more inclined towards decentralized, non-state-affiliated energy sources. It would be helpful if you could elaborate on your perspective so that we can have a more informed discussion about the potential implications of cheap nuclear energy in Canada. However, resorting to insults and offensive language detracts from the conversation, so let's try to focus on exchanging ideas respectfully.
Free energy is more obviously absurd, but almost-free is also equally absurd.
Take a starving person from a developing nation and get them working construction in America where they can shop at Walmart and they might tell you they are "infinitely rich".
Similarly, compared to wood burning, petroleum is "almost free energy" yet you still hold bitcoin because you actually do know that it is an ill-posed concept.
Has absolutely nothing to do with government. There is always a cost. When you deviate from that understanding, you sound like the people who talk about a "post-money society."
The wealth of the world is very much related to energy, so it's not unreasonable to think 1 bitcoin may have several billion of today's dollars worth of effective purchasing power in a century... and yet, if you want that several billion 2023 USD equivalent of joules, you will still need to pay up that entire bitcoin!
A bitcoin does not know what a joule is and a joule does not know what a bitcoin is... there is no amount that is sensibly "almost zero", there is just a shifting exchange rate.
Kinda harsh and unnecessary
As unnecessary as bitcoin! Look at the world growing tremendously under fiat and everything real getting cheaper in real terms. Guess you are satisfied with that!
My language was imprecise so let me change it to amazingly cheap if it will help advance the conversation.
I was thinking specifically about the EROI of nuclear generated electricity. It is actually staggering. I know it doesn't scale up and down with demand and we would still most likely use natural gas generated electricity to fill in the gaps during peak usage. That or just power down all the ASICS!!
It is my understanding that over the life cycle ICE are less energy intensive than electric batteries and it is more or less destined to stay that way so I don't see us moving away from fossil fuels. Also, there seems to be no alternative for the chemicals/fertilizer and other uses. So, I'm in no way suggesting we start to meaningfully move away from fossil fuels.
To return to my point in the original reply, I am hoping Canada can make smart decisions with respect to generating nuclear power—a technology we are a actually a leader in—that gives us a huge competitive advantage against economies that don't turn to this technology. If that is the case, our decline relative to the alternative scenario where we do not fully embrace it may be much less dramatic.
Hopefully that makes my perspective more clear for at least some people.
Now we are shifting from utter nonsense to ill-conceived, excellent, here we are finally able to move past ad-hominen responses that are all the other comments merit.
"Amazingly cheap": compared to today, but consider, what does it mean for something to be "cheap" or "expensive"? It is actually not an inherent or objective property the way wheels of today are "round" and wheels 1000 years from now will continue to be "round".
Everything gets cheaper whether you have fiat or bitcoin, things just get cheaper faster with bitcoin.
@k00b I keep getting a "failed to copy link error" when trying to copy link above