This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
What are saying?
My Day 3 Streak for cowboy hat 🤠 Not relenting
Your hat is gone, at least I don’t see it. Gotta remember to tip. I lost my hat after a 15 or 16 day streak because I got busy the other day and didn’t get on SN until after I lost it… :(
Tired with a ton of essays to write
Learning how to earn sats
Sunny day in my neck of the woods. If I scroll SN any longer I am going to be burnt to a crisp. Some stuff around the house to do and then take the kiddos and dog for a walk by the lake while my wife is at work today.
Yard work then date night with my wife
Sounds like a good day
Hey gang, good morning! Hope everyone is enjoying this weekend as I mentioned yesterday, it's almost 6 months in of 2023 and it has been quite the year, we've got 6 months to go so, if we have a goal set for this year, let's get this done, as a good friend says, go do something bitcoiners want... I know you can do it, and always remember that you matter and you're important, always... Be well my friend and stay frosty.
Day 42 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Sayonara, 40-day hat streak. Guess I forgot to tip yesterday.
Just an opportunity to start a new streak.