Your first reason for optimism is one of the biggest problems, and I say that as an immigrant. It's kind of pandering / pablum at its finest.
This country has suffered under the past high levels of immigration, the immigrants themselves bearing the brunt of the lack of opportunity and low wages. Secondarily the people who were hoping for pressure on labor market to move in their favor. |
There simply needs to be a moratorium on immigration if anything is to improve. The literature from labor studies, MIT/IEEE on tech labor trends has basically shown there is not labor or skills gap. It's just a ponzi
To be clear, I'm criticizing the reflexive "gee we love immigrants, immigration is good!" attitude. The first part is kind of social signalling / fear of criticism, the latter part is simply not true beyond a certain threshold.
This is not a criticism of individual people or cultures, but more the idea that you can treat people as economic widgets and assert that bringing millions into an economy that can't support them... that it's somehow good... it's not. There are many TikTok / Twitter feeds from immigrants who are fed up with the quality of life and are basically sick of hearing how much Canada loves immigrants. It's a structural econ / numbers problem, not an argument based on "I don't like group <x> I want more of group <y>." We are literally at the much ruder point of "Fuck off, we're full" except it's the immigrants saying it now
i’m speaking about my personal experiences growing up among Canadian immigrants… many of my high school classmates went from low-income housing to getting software engineering jobs at Google & Facebook right out of university.
i truly believe they worked harder on balance.