Whilst there is a lot of hype around ChatGPT and other AI chat interfaces - the progress over the last year is also incredibly beneficial for more 'hidden' AI based features like the transcripts in Fountain.
6 months ago - producing transcripts in Fountain was:
  • 2x more expensive
  • 8x slower
  • much less accurate
this trend is only accelerating and cheap AI based features will be easier to offer
What ASR engine / service do you use?
We use Deepgram - https://deepgram.com
We'll be releasing a blog post today on how transcripts on Fountain work in detail - will share when it's out!
awesome, what do you think about allowing users to generate podcasts directly in the app by inputting a blog post or written document?
is AI good enough today to generate realistic, expressive voices for long-form content that sound better than Siri or Alexa?
Yes this is definitely possible - the benefit of the audio medium is that you can listen in your dead time - commuting, chores, etc and this benefit could apply to audio sourced from anywhere