You mentioning soldering brings back memories of the days back in high school. I took 4 years of electronics class back in high school, and we learned from circuit design, bread board testing, to PCB design and etching, to soldering parts onto the PCB to make the final circuit. We built all sorts of projects ranging such as digital clocks, LED light chasers, strobe lights, sound amplifiers and more. We built a remote controlled (wired, because RF cannot travel under water) submarine for our senior year project. But yes, soldering takes practice, and having a nice soldering iron helps a lot too.
I once rebuilt the LED light chaser circuit on my bread board to wow my kids, lol.
Sorry to go off topic. It’s great that you built your own signing device. I also love the fact that you generated the seed with dice. Did you use a Pi zero or another version of Pi?
In terms of enclosure, you can look into 3D printed ones? This guy is selling them.
it is a pi zero w2. the fastest and newest pi zero. it boots in only 17 seconds when the developers promise 60 seconds on the old one.
i also love the size of the pi minicomputer. it is as wide as 2 fingers as as long as half a finger. it is perfect for this job. also very convenient to use. you connect it to power and that is it. never online, no server can ever access your seed, not accidentaly nor by any new service offering or by order from a criminal organization.
you have extensive skills in building electronics, you can also easily build a seed signer and you should. i have never learned how to solder but i can do almost everything and anything needed. i have also all small tools needed for any kind of installations, repairs in a house and for any kind of projects. for example i have converted an old mountain bike into an electric installing the motor and the battery. i repair everything myself all the time, electric, electronic, even gas...
the guy on the link does not live in my country. i ordered the camera from amazon and i will use it without a housing or i will even build the housing myself.