HFSP Tell all these green communists to have fun staying poor.
I mean its a defensive argument "yes we use alot of power but no its not necessarily bad, you see the power we use comes from renewable energy"
no-one is going to buy that. its like apologizing to a bully. it doesent work?
Thanks I was looking for this. 🙏
“Bitcoin uses a lot of energy”.
Compared to what!! Isn’t it something like way less than 1% of global energy consumption.
Second point is does bitcoin have value?
I’d say giving billions of people trying to live with inflation a lifeboat is pretty damn valuable.
there is no controversy
I am one of the rare ones here. I completely accept all the conclusions and theories of the science behind global warming (and also evolution, the Big Bang, and the natural existence of gays). I’m a science teacher, but also a Christian, I believe in the second amendment, but I also think the rich should be taxed a lot more. I’m all for environmental regulations, but only if they don’t target industries. Make general rules and see if bitcoin, streaming, banking, and everything can follow them. But I completely support the use cases of Bitcoin mining, think all the complaints are actually factually wrong or just strawman arguments. Also, no one ever seems to complain about the power uses of “the cloud” or “streaming” or the actual banking system or what it takes for “sports” to exist. Power is needed for the world to work.
I think spending needs to be held in check first. I hate how we (meaning everyday people) have to pay our bills, including taxes, but the government does not have to balance their budget. If the government can just print money out of thing air (, why do we even need taxes? If taxes are needed to keep inflation (or something like that in check), then wouldn't it be fair to tax everyone equally?
Can't wait to see it when it comes out
Sounds interesting. Looking forward to see it, when released.
This type of work is super important to understand all the pros and cons. It is a shame that the existing narrative is so entrenched, in a dogmatic way, that discussing these issues became very very hard.
professional work, so it deserves for a big coverage when is finished as nuke against Bitcoin haters mainly sponsored by banksters