For something I enjoyed sharing? Insane!
Right? It feels insane at first but it becomes natural afterwards.
Our whole experience about creating content on the internet consisted of getting enough views on a centralized platform (since that's where most users at at) so they get paid by the platform because of ads. This means the incentives are misaligned (users want to see good content but the platform just wants them to look at ads) and most people don't earn anything even though they may provide good content but it's not enough to get something back. The ones who made a profession out of it may earn enough but are at the mercy of the platform now.
I strongly believe that if bitcoin existed when the Internet was created, we would have had a totally different web experience. If I post good content and people want me to continue, it makes total sense that people will pay whatever amount they think is appropriate. If enough people do that, that does make enough of a difference that more people may decide to also start posting good content to earn a few sats for something which comes natural since as you mentioned:
I'll never forget that I stacked enough sats (apologies for bragging) on my first post that I can literally go to one of the shops in my area and buy 1x lunch with it using my wallet (which I fully intend on doing). For something I enjoyed sharing? Insane!
SN is basically a breath of fresh air and a sneak peek of this world that could have already been. I believe micropayments using lightning will be the trojan horse to orange-pill the world (without them knowing it)
I agree. Before I learned about the LN I didn't even know these kind of platforms are even possible without some form of a centralized authority managing the accounts and taking their, often massive, slice. For me, this is a nice way of getting input from a community and discussing topics that I find interesting, but imagine the difference it would make to someone that makes a living off his/her online presence or a freelance journalist? The jobs section on SN is also great