pull down to refresh

For anyone who doesn't know: vim comes preinstalled with vimtutor
Exiting vim is in lesson 1.2:
                            Lesson 1.2: EXITING VIM

  !! NOTE: Before executing any of the steps below, read this entire lesson!!

  1. Press the <ESC> key (to make sure you are in Normal mode).

  2. Type:      :q! <ENTER>.
     This exits the editor, DISCARDING any changes you have made.

  3. Get back here by executing the command that got you into this tutor. That
     might be:  vimtutor <ENTER>

  4. If you have these steps memorized and are confident, execute steps
     1 through 3 to exit and re-enter the editor.

NOTE:  :q! <ENTER>  discards any changes you made.  In a few lessons you
       will learn how to save the changes to a file.

  5. Move the cursor down to lesson 1.3.
