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the only good bitcoin-only exchange has always been river, they built their entire stack in a sovereign way so they can't be fucked with, everyone else uses shitcoining 3rd parties and will be rekt.
The only alternative is no-kyc using things like bisq
They still have high fees, encourage dollar holding via DCA, and are ultimately still RFQ.
There aren't any bitcoin only brokerages that are competitive with the exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini, BitFinnex, Kraken, or SFox (last one being the one I prefer -- lowest fees and great customer service).
you can try to save 0.1% of on fees or you can use an exchange that is not going to rug pull and has features you want
You can pay 1-2% more on fees, sometimes 10% more, have a lousy experience, and possibly a greater probability of a rugpull since there is a shitcoin backend for the purpose of LARPing, or you can use an exchange that has basic features such as wires, mine are free, bidirectionally.
worrying about "fees" when the dollar price is this low is ridiculous and part of a fiat mindset
Not worrying about the cost of things when there are perfect alternatives is fiat mindset.
Low standard people like you do not appreciate bitcoin and it is your tolerance for shit, why everything is shit. Fuck off.
But since you are so generous, lmk, and I will provide an address where you are welcome to send 1% of your entire stack.
Using shitcoiner exchanges because you are saving $10 in FIAT means you are supporting and enabling the shitcoin exchanges to take advantage of the no-coiners who are introduced to “crypto” when they are looking for Bitcoin.
$10 fee is worth supporting the Bitcoin-only companies who actually charge FAIR FEES because they aren’t making millions off scamming their other customers.
You are trash