Good luck! Very interesting idea 💡
BitcoiNaut or SatoshiNaut seem cool too.
We've been putting out a "crypto Commerce" newsletter since before there was Bitcoin vs. Crypto. Of course we focus on Bitcoin and lightning because they are 99% of the real world uses for crypto.
This situation is kind of frustrating to me. We've been considering rebranding for a long time now too because it feels like we are figuring the tide.
I hope you have good luck and thanks for the interesting thread.
Thanks for the suggestions. I, too, named the store before I was even aware of Bitcoin vs. Crypto. I've been rejected from several other channels/pages/stores on collaborations or listings because I'm not 'Bitcoin Only' so that's what got me thinking about a rebrand in the first place. Must be frustrating in your situation as well especially after having developed a following :/