I'm talking about tags acting as their own respective subreddits so to speak.
So instead of Bitcoin being a sub, it's just a tag. Instead of searching through all posts on the Bitcoin sub, we would just be searching or have selected posts with 'bitcoin' as a tag.
This should be viewed differently from a tag like 'nsfw'... Maybe I'll refer to that as a particular post as being 'labeled' as NSFW.
Instead of seeing a post on the privacy sub and the nostr sub and a nostrprivacy sub splintering conversation into three separate threads in three separate subs, you would have the one single thread show up if you were searching the tag of Nostr, or privacy, or Nostr+privacy 'tagchain' if you will, or these were whitelisted tags you've given the algo the go ahead that you prefer to see.
It gives the user the ability to zoom in and out of specific content really easily. Am I searching for Bitcoin or Bitcoin+development or Bitcoin+development+jobs, or etc.
I might think nostr+AI+art is insufferable, I can't stand to see one more AI generated purple ostrich so that's an easy blacklist. AI+art, see ya.
Nostr+beginner or Bitcoin+beginner or coldstorage+advanced etc these don't need to be separate areas when there is so much crossover relevancy. This would eliminate noise and focus discussion.
This helps shake up the whole sub system all together honestly. Scrolling Reddit feels stupid these days, when the same fuckin video shows up on crazyfuckinvideos and damnthatsinteresting and beamazed and videos and natureismetal and contagiouslaughter and funny and wowthatscrazy and Blackmagicfuckery etc etc etc.
If you ask me, the sub system is actually fuckin trash lmfao then you get moderators who decide how everyone else will play in their own little ecosystem they've decided to roleplay as 'God the moderator.'
People are always going to want to splinter off to dig deeper into any given topic and just adding an extra tag is a better solution than creating a whole new domain for that ultra-specific type of post.
Anyway, these are my 2 sats. Feel free to ask further questions
Furthermore, you could still have overarching 'subs' I suppose, but instead of splintering in a million directions, you'd have just the major umbrellas of SPORTS and POLITICS and then the tags and tagchain system could be how they splinter off. I'm just trying to think of how you keep sports news and politics news and gaming news separate when you search news, but maybe you don't, maybe you just blacklist what you don't want to see at you go, and the curation happened naturally over time
re: splintering
Subs could have subs which could have subs. I've always wanted subs on SN to be recursive to solve this problem. e.g. ~bitcoindev should be a sub of ~bitcoin as ~bitcoin/dev
If you ask me, the sub system is actually fuckin trash lmfao then you get moderators who decide how everyone else will play in their own little ecosystem they've decided to roleplay as 'God the moderator.'
This need not be the case. Reddit enables this. This is something that could be decided at sub creation time and not allowed to change (an unchangeable constitution), or something that needs to change by the entire sub voting (democracy), or like on reddit (a system of monarchies/oligarchies) etc.